San Luis Obispo City Council Establishes Major Goals for 2017-2019

February 2017, San Luis Ranch News

After resident surveys, advisory bodies prioritizing, a community forum, and a city council goal setting workshop – the vote is in on the 2017-2019 Major City Goals.

On Saturday, January 28th, the San Luis Obispo City Council voted 5-0 to adopt these goals.  The top 4 goals set are :

  1. Housing Production – Facilitate increased production of all housing types designed to be accessible to the area work force and low and very low-income residents, through increased density and proximity to transportation corridors in alignment with the Climate Action Plan.”
  2.  Multi-Modal Transportation – Prioritize implementation of the Bicycle Master Plan, pedestrian safety, and the Short-Range Transit Plan.
  3. Climate Action – Implement Climate Action Plan, assess requirements to achieve a “net-zero carbon City” target, and implement cost-effective measures, including implementation of a Sustainability Coordinator and formation of a Green Team.
  4. Fiscal Sustainability and Responsibility – Continue to implement the City’s Fiscal Responsibility Philosophy with a focus on economic development and responsiveness, unfunded liabilities, and infrastructure financing.